In addition to aging also has many other causes that can cause wrinkles. And unfortunately that the habits we inadvertently do every day without realising it.It is true that the aging process due to age, causing the production of collagen shall lose for years. This makes the skin becomes loose, sagging and wrinkles appear quickly.
But you know, in addition to aging also has many other causes that can cause wrinkles. And unfortunately there are too familiar habits and we still inadvertently do every day without realising it.
If you do not know your daily did what affects the skin, causing the wrinkles appear faster and more then please view the list below shortly.
1. Eat sweets

According to the scientists, once in the body, the line will link with a variety of different proteins, typically the elastin and collagen-both as structural components of the skin. With the amount of elastin and collagen degrading, the skin becomes prone to wrinkles. According to a study in the UK, who looks older than 5 years compared to the age of truth often eat less sugar. The researchers here also agree that eating sugar makes the body vulnerable to infection at the same time reduce the amount of collagen. Leading medical organizations encourage people should eat less sugar than the health benefits.
2. Smoking
Thousands of toxins are put into your body after each cigarette you smoke. Even though it is passive smoking (inhaling cigarette smoke) you also risk not least. If you smoke more cigarettes in a long time, your skin not only over that wrinkled the skin lesions were also more aggravated. The toxic substance that you inhaled can cause injury to the blood vessels, such as the blood supply that contains oxygen and nutrients to the skin.
After the circulation to the skin resistance, the skin can be damaged, the evidence is that the wrinkles formed quickly after that. If you want to look younger, please quit smoking.
Not only affects the skin, smoking is related to a number of health problems, all of which are very serious problems and can reduce the lifespan of you!
3. Exposure to sunlight
We need the Sun because it is a great source of vitamin D. However, it is important that contact with it at the right time and just enough by if exposed too much, especially at the hot sun, the Sun has a large amount of UVA, UVB, it can increase the risk of skin cancer and premature aging. According to the Skin Cancer Organization, more exposure to the Sun is the main cause of skin aging. UV rays causes breaks collagen and fibrous structures in your skin, resulting in the appearance of wrinkles and brown spots and Melasma.
So, let's try to avoid the Sun during the period of time 10 am to 4 pm. If can not stay in the House during that time period, use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
Some signs of premature aging of the skin is the most common wrinkles and bird feet.
4. Exposure to environmental pollution
Skin specialists say that the frequent exposure to air pollution is not only harmful to the lungs but can also affect the skin cells, accelerate the aging of the skin.
The pollutants in the air after infuse deep into the skin will destroy collagen and increases skin pigmentation, larger pores, leading to wrinkles and increases the skin pigmentation. In addition, you may also have to face chronic inflammatory skin condition due to frequent exposure to air pollution.
To protect the skin from the effects of air pollution, you need to remember the habit cleanse the skin after each go out on the street. Also, avoid using makeup and other cosmetic products that contain harsh ingredients for skin health. You should select the products completely natural, organic and hypoallergenic will be better.
5. Constantly stress
Pollution is not the only factor in modern life cause wrinkles. Stress is also a factor with negative impact no less. If your daily life often faced with stress, make sure you look a few years older than their actual age.
Stress causes the adrenal gland hormones cortisol overproduction - causes premature skin aging. Not only that, when you are stressed, your face also appeared a number of expressions such as frowning, wrinkled eyes, long gradually narrowed forehead ... will create extremely ugly wrinkles.
"Try to find ways to reduce stress, whether it be a walk after dinner, go out with friends or meet therapist because that is what you are doing for my skin," Dr. Skeley, doctor Dermatology of the board and director of the Center for dermatologic Surgery Dermatology Surgery Center in Washington give advice.
Also, regularly exercising and eating healthy foods for your body is protected from stress.
6. Not enough sleep
Stress can cause a lot of problems, and one of them is insomnia. You should know that a cause of the wrinkles are not related to aging is because you do not have a good sleep.
If you suffer from stress and insomnia, skin in serious danger!
Skelsey doctor explains: "lack of sleep is one of the causes of wrinkles because the pH of the skin is changed because of insufficient sleep and ability to retain water for skin cells decreased. In addition, during sleep, the toxins are washed out of the body ".
By dealing with stress, insomnia status will also disappear. You can also try some natural remedies for insomnia such as Chamomile tea or tart cherry juice, or use essential oils relaxing in nature.
There are many other causes of insomnia in addition to stress, such as some certain diseases. At best, you should seek the help of a doctor to determine the exact cau.
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