Even very normal manifestations can be a warning sign of a dangerous disease. Therefore, never ignore them.
We are used to ignoring small health problems, for example, so few of us really think about getting a doctor's check up when we're tired or having a mysterious acne on our body.
But you know, even the most seemingly normal expression can be a warning sign of dangerous disease. Therefore, never ignore them. Get medical attention when there are other signs of the body as the health experts of the Bright Side synthetic page below
1. You often feel tired and short of breath, especially after a cold
Many people believe that the main symptoms of pneumonia are cough and persistent fever. However, latent pneumonia is also an enemy to your health, and unfortunately, not as rare as you think. If you've recently had a cold and still have trouble breathing, especially after intensive training, or you feel extremely tired after a day of work ... it may be a sign of potential pneumonia hidden.
It may also have other symptoms, such as exhale, inhale, which produces a whistling sound. In this case, it is best to seek medical advice.
2. Subtle tumors, subcutaneous skin anywhere in the body
In self-examination and detection of signs of dangerous cancer, doctors often recommend that you touch the lumps in certain areas of the body, most commonly in the chest and groin.
Most benign lumps (usually cysts), which means they are not cancerous, but they can make you unconfident and feel pain or itching. Skin tumors grow at higher frequencies as we age, more likely to appear in areas of active sweat glands, such as the face and chest, and are more common in more exposed individuals with the sun.
However, some can also be symptoms of more serious illnesses (like cancer). So, if you see tumors appear, you should see a dermatologist. In the case of tumors appearing more or larger in size, you need to look more carefully.
3. You have too much hair loss
The endocrine system affects all the processes that occur in the body, which is why monitoring your thyroid health is extremely important. One of the signs that something is wrong with your hormones is sudden hair loss or altered hair structure.
Hair cells are capable of cloning "the fastest" in the body, so hormonal changes affect them first and can slow down the growth of hair, making hair thin, hair Weakness and finally hair loss. In addition to hair loss, if you experience discomfort and fatigue, weight changes and irregular menstrual cycles ... then it is time to see your endocrinologist.
4. Sudden breathing difficulty
People with chronic diseases related to the respiratory system often know the reason for their shortness of breath. But what will you do when your breathing difficulty starts suddenly and there is no reason?
5. Extreme abdominal pain during menstruation
Gynecologists still say that abdominal pain
during menstruation is normal for young women because their cycles begin to develop. But if you
have severe pain during your menstrual period,
it is better to go to a gynecologist to eliminate the possibility of endometriosis - which causes many problems with the reproductive system.
Endometriosis is the case where the tissues in the uterus develop outside the uterus (possibly in the peritoneal cavity, ovaries, intestines ...). When a woman has menstruation, these endothelial fragments will "grow" as they would in the uterus. That means they will increase in size, peel off ... and cause great pain.
This condition affects the reproductive ability, even if it can cause infertility, so you should never ignore if you have such expression.
during menstruation is normal for young women because their cycles begin to develop. But if you
have severe pain during your menstrual period,
it is better to go to a gynecologist to eliminate the possibility of endometriosis - which causes many problems with the reproductive system.
Endometriosis is the case where the tissues in the uterus develop outside the uterus (possibly in the peritoneal cavity, ovaries, intestines ...). When a woman has menstruation, these endothelial fragments will "grow" as they would in the uterus. That means they will increase in size, peel off ... and cause great pain.
This condition affects the reproductive ability, even if it can cause infertility, so you should never ignore if you have such expression.
6. Sore throat, chest pain, joint pain
Previously, these symptoms were considered a problem for the elderly, but even today, even children may have such problems. That is why doctors remind you that if you have chest pain, frequent colds and some discomfort in your joints in the morning, you should see a rheumatologist. It can help detect some inflammation and stop it in time.
All because of angina and tonsillitis are streptococcus infections - and streptococcus is one of the leading causes of rheumatism.
These conditions exacerbate the quality of life and can cause a lot of harm to a person's health.
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