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How to Get Rid of Your Acne Scars

Few skin conditions torpedo self-esteem the way acne does. As it turns out, a face full of painful lesions—not to mention unsolicited, tone-deaf advice from family and strangers alike—has a way of driving people into hiding. Throw in a whole internet’s worth of unverified anecdotes about banishing acne for good and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.
Treating acne is maddening. Even if your breakouts are under control, you may be left with dark spots, red spots, dents, and/or bumps—the ghosts of hell-zits past. Today’s super-saturated skincare market offers thousands of products that claim to fade acne scars, but frankly, very few of them work. Before you drench your face in retinol and acids to fade your acne scars, you should figure out what caused them in the first place—and if they’re even scars at all.

What The Heck Are Acne Scars, Anyway?

Light acne: Blackheads and whiteheads

Over-the-counter OTC drugs are often effective in treating this type of acne. Benzoyl peroxide, a chemical compound that can kill bacteria, works by decomposing into super-reacting forms of ozygen, binding and killing the bacterial molecules needed to survive. Salicylic acid is a common OTC treatment that can not kill bacteria, but stops them. It also works by breaking down skin cells and horns to help clear the pores.

How to Get Rid of Your Acne Scars

Acne inflammation

More intensive therapy is needed to reduce inflammation, which is often prescribed medication. Antibiotics, antibiotics are also used to treat bacterial infections, from pharyngitis to urinary tract infections, which can help reduce acne. They work by blocking the growth of bacteria and reducing inflammation.

Retinoid compounds, which are compounds associated with vitamin A, also help get rid of acne.

How to Get Rid of Your Acne Scars

Birth control or corticosteroid therapy is helpful in reducing the production of sebum. They regulate female hormones and reduce the amount of androgen hormones produced. Less androgen receptors mean less sebum production, and less acne.

Scarring: Cysts

Cysts can sometimes leave scars, but there are ways to reduce it. They do not themselves treat or prevent acne, but they reduce acne and the remaining scars from bad acne. Dermabrasion is a treatment that uses a gentle sanding tool to wipe the skin of a scar caused by cysts, but it only works to make the skin brighter.

Skin regeneration is a treatment that removes the skin by another layer of skin until the scars are smooth. Meanwhile, chemical masks work by removing dead skin cells to reveal healthy skin underneath.

Acne can persist in our 40s and 50s, but the use of treatments can help reduce the appearance of acne. Acne can make many of us self-conscious, but it is normal, can be treated, and most importantly not life-threatening.

If My Dark Spots Aren’t Acne Scars, What Are They?

Not all breakouts leave scars. Mild lesions may not go deep enough to damage collagen-producing cells, and some deep-rooted zits don’t stick around long enough to cause permanent structural damage. However, inflammation from a breakout can piss off cells closer to the surface of your skin, causing them to function abnormally for awhile. This process is what causes some zits to leave dark or red spots when they heal.

The color of a post-acne mark depends on which cells were damaged. Dark spots are caused by damaged melanocytes, which produce melanin, the pigment that gives our skin its color. These spots are usually brown, but can be purplish or bluish depending on your skin tone. This type of discoloration is called hyperpigmentation.

Some breakouts leave red spots when they heal, which is a sign of damaged or irritated surface-level capillaries. Your body’s first response to illness or injury is usually to increase blood flow to the affected area, causing temporary redness and swelling known as erythema. Erythema usually dissipates once a wound has healed, but sometimes capillaries around the healing site are too damaged to immediately return to their normal, pre-injury state.

Both of these conditions are caused by inflammation and persist after it clears, so their full names are post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or erythema—PIH or PIE for short. The superficial cell damage behind PIH and PIE is temporary, though the marks can take months or years to fade.

If your post-acne marks aren’t clearly brown or red, you can figure out if they’re PIE or PIH by pushing on them gently with a fingertip. PIE temporarily disappears when pressed because doing so cuts off blood flow to the affected capillaries. Unlike blood, melanin is static, so PIH marks will look the same regardless of how much you poke at them.

What Can I Do To Prevent Scarring And Pigmentation?

Depending on the severity, the lesion may last a few weeks, months or longer. To cope with stubborn scars, many people use chemo creams and expensive treatments. If you want a safer alternative to removing the scars, try some simple and effective home remedies.

These remedies may not give you results in a day, but they are safe and have no side effects. Before trying the remedies, remember that you need to have persistence.
Here are some natural ingredients that can help you get rid of the scars caused by acne.

1. Potatoes

Potatoes are an effective remedy for acne scars. High starch content in potato helps reduce scar and bruise.


- Potatoes boiled, crushed. Apply on your acne. Leave it for 20 minutes, then wash your face.

- In addition, you can cut a potato into thick slices. Rub a slice on your skin for 1 minute, then on the surface for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with water.

Use one of two ways over 2 or 3 times a week until your scars disappear.

How to Get Rid of Your Acne Scars

2. Turmeric

When it comes to acne scars, turmeric is most effective.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is loaded with healing properties. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help heal acne and scars on your face.

In addition, turmeric helps to speed up the healing process.


- Mix 1 tablespoon turmeric powder with some lemon juice to make dough. Apply it on the scar. Rinse after 15 minutes with warm water, dry and apply moisturizer lightly. Do this twice a week.

In addition, mix 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 tablespoon unsweetened yogurt and 1 teaspoon pure coconut oil. Apply it on the affected area, using wet fingers gently rub it on your skin for a minute and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do it 2 or 3 times a week to get the results you want.

How to Get Rid of Your Acne Scars

3. Lemon

Lemon acts as a natural detergent and helps brighten any type of scars on your skin. It also removes dead skin cells, promotes the growth of new skin cells and improves skin elasticity.

In addition, vitamin C in lemon helps to regenerate collagen.

How to Get Rid of Your Acne Scars

You can choose from the following remedies, depending on your preference.

Apply some fresh lemon juice directly to the scars with a finger or a cotton ball, for 10 minutes, then rinse it with water. Do this 1 or 2 times a week.
- Mix lemon juice and honey. Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture on the affected area, leave it for 10 to 15 minutes then rinse with water and pat. Do this often.

- Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon coffee with 1 tablespoon of vitamin E oil. Apply it to your acne before going to bed and wash it in the morning. Do this 2 - 3 times a week.

Note: Do not go out in the sun after using lemon juice on your skin.

4. Apple cider vinegar

The acidity of apple cider vinegar will help brighten the skin, reducing the appearance of acne scars. It also stimulates collagen production, repairing cells and removing dead skin cells.

In addition, it reduces skin color and can prevent scarring in the future.

How to Get Rid of Your Acne Scars


- Mix vinegar, unspoilt distilled water. Dip a cotton ball into it and apply it to the scar. Leave it for 5 minutes, then rinse it with water. Do this once a day.

- Alternatively, mix 2 tablespoons fresh apple vinegar with 1/2 cup water and 2 tablespoons honey. Use a cotton ball to apply it on the acne scars. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse it with clean water. Use this remedy once a day.

5. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a rich source of vitamin E and fatty acids that help repair skin tissue, keep the body healthy and free of scar and bruise.

In addition, as a good moisturizer, it makes the skin heal and makes the scars disappear.


- Apply pure coconut oil directly to the scar. Massage area affected for 5 to 10 minutes. Allow it at least 1 hour before washing with warm water.

- Another option is to mix a few drops of lavender oil in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, apply it to the affected area and massage gently for a few minutes. Leave for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Repeat one of these measures once or twice a day for several weeks and you will have the results as expected

How to Get Rid of Your Acne Scars

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural scent removal component due to anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

In addition it is a natural softener, it helps repair damaged skin and promote the growth of healthy skin. It also improves the elasticity of newly formed tissue.

How to Get Rid of Your Acne Scars


Cut a aloe leaf and take the gel. Apply the gel on your scar and massage it in circular motions. Allow it to stay for 30 minutes, then rinse. Do this 2 or 3 times a week.

In addition, mix 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel and 2 or 3 drops of tea tree oil. Apply it on affected areas. Rinse with cold water after 10 to 15 minutes. Use it once a day.

7. Vitamin E Oil

Another easy way to treat acne is with vitamin E. It acts as an effective antioxidant that can help scars the scars. It keeps the skin moisturized, helps repair damaged tissues and soothes the skin to minimize the appearance of scarring.

How to Get Rid of Your Acne Scars


- Simply cut the vitamin E capsule and apply the oil directly on the scarred skin. Do this 2 or 3 times a week.

In addition, mix 1 vitamin E with 1 castor oil. Apply it on the affected skin before going to bed. Leave overnight and rinse the next morning with lukewarm water. Repeat daily until the scar fades.

8. Honey

Honey is an excellent moisturizer for your skin and is also rich in antibiotics and healing. It can help treat acne as well as heal damaged skin by preventing the accumulation of dead skin cells and stimulating the regeneration of skin tissue.

How to Get Rid of Your Acne Scars


Apply a little honey on the scar, leaving it overnight. The next morning, wash it with lukewarm water. Repeat daily before going to sleep.

Additional tips

- Avoid squeezing, or squeezing acne, as it can cause stubborn scars.
- Do not touch the area with too much acne, because dirt and bacteria from your hands can lead to infections and scars.
- Manage your stress levels. Stress can aggravate acne, especially in women.
Get enough sleep, because collagen production and cell repair are faster and more effective during sleep.
- Keep your clothes and bedding clean.
Drink enough water to keep your body hydrated. Dehydration can cause dry skin and exacerbate acne scars.
- Avoid too much sun. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can make the scar more prominent.
- To protect your skin from the sun, use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30.
Use skin care products containing herbs and no chemicals, as chemicals can increase the risk of scarring.
Avoid using makeup immediately after cleansing, as it can clog the pores and lead to more acne.
- Scrub dead cells once a week to remove dead skin, showing fresh, soft skin inside.
- Do not smoke, as it slows down the healing process.


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