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Many scientific studies have proven that people who regularly drink tea, especially green tea, weight loss faster than those not taking the tea. Now it is time you throw away the bags set of gym and lift the water warm up! The following is an internal confidential information about tea weight loss for you here. >>>Weight Loss With Green Tea Extract <<< How weight loss tea 1. Select the type of tea based on the effect of tea and your preferences.  If you like to drink tea, the best, but you need to remember is that there are a number of types of tea are considered to have effective weight loss than other types Effect: white tea, green tea or oolong tea The average efficiency: Black Tea Less effective: decaffeinated tea or herbal tea Be harmful if too much drinking sweet tea, diet tea: sweet tea, tea diet . 2. Drink tea every day and form the habit.  You look for ways to create healthy tea drinking habits. The easiest way is you put...

5 Ways to Make Puffiness Easy and Effective

Eye puffiness appear due to the accumulation of fat around the eye layer cornered to the depressions under the eyes bulging bags under eye dark circles form. But is not a dangerous disease but puffiness of the eye cause the face of women becoming less good, old and tired. So how to tan eye puffiness is the question a lot of people are interested.  It makes you old Causes of eye puffiness Mainly cause puffiness eye formation is the process of skin aging. The higher the age, the speed of aging as fast, sensitive skin in the eye will be thinning, the skin, the Organization gradually loose, less resilient and gradually accumulate fat again form the fat bags under eye dark circles. In addition, the puffiness of the eye also can form due to a number of causes such as:  -Genetics: If the members of your family are appearing eye puffiness, the possibility of being "inherited" it would also be great.  -The habit of sitting too long computer party, sleeping at least...

How to Get Rid of Your Acne Scars

Few skin conditions torpedo self-esteem the way acne does. As it turns out, a face full of painful lesions—not to mention unsolicited, tone-deaf advice from family and strangers alike—has a way of driving people into hiding. Throw in a whole internet’s worth of unverified anecdotes about banishing acne for good and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Treating acne is maddening. Even if your breakouts are under control, you may be left with dark spots, red spots, dents, and/or bumps—the ghosts of hell-zits past. Today’s super-saturated skincare market offers thousands of products that claim to fade acne scars, but frankly, very few of them work. Before you drench your face in retinol and acids to fade your acne scars, you should figure out what caused them in the first place—and if they’re even scars at all. What The Heck Are Acne Scars, Anyway? Light acne: Blackheads and whiteheads Over-the-counter OTC drugs are often effective in treating this type of acne. Benzoyl peroxide, ...

16 Healthier Breakfast Options

Breakfast helps to maintain a sense of well-being and to work relentlessly as breakfast provides energy for one night. Because the body requires large amounts of glucose to be metabolized and metabolized to the brain, the body adds glucose, which is the main source of energy in the brain. This is important because the brain does not have glucose reserves. Breakfast will help stimulate metabolism, which is usually slow during the night. For those who want to lose weight, breakfast is extremely important. It sounds unreasonable but totally grounded. If you want to lose weight, control or maintain weight loss should eat breakfast regularly. If you do not eat breakfast and lunch, when you are hungry, you will eat a lot to compensate, so the digestive organs have to work overload, the absorption will be ineffective, not compensate for deficiency. Nutrition after a long night and half a day of work, not to mention not fully absorbed will cause excess food to accumulate fat. You shou...